| Your aI partner |

Lueur AI

  • Reel generation at your fingertips

  • Crafted for content creators seeking top notch reels

  • Create high quality content

  • Your'e just 30 seconds away from a reel!

  • /reel ♦ 30 seconds ♦ post ♦ Earn

Video Types

Voice Over Reel

Multiple Static Captions

URL Based Reel

60 credits
High Quality
150 credits
High Quality
Custom Credits
High Quality
Custom Pricing

Terms of service

These Terms of Service govern the relationship between users and Lueur Reels Discord bot, operated by Hamza & Shikhar. By utilizing the Bot, Users agree to abide by these Terms.1. Use of the Bot1.1. The Bot is provided exclusively for the purpose of simplifying the process of generating reels within the Discord platform. It serves to enhance user engagement and creativity in content creation.1.2. Users are expected to utilize the Bot in compliance with Discord's terms of service and community guidelines. Any use of the Bot for generating reels containing NSFW content or engaging in abusive behavior towards the Bot is strictly prohibited.2. User-Generated Content2.1. Content generated by Users through the Bot remains the intellectual property of the respective User. The Company holds no claim to ownership or rights over such content.2.2. While Users retain ownership, they are solely responsible for ensuring that their generated content does not infringe upon any copyrights or violate the rights of third parties.3. Dispute Resolution3.1. In the event of disputes related to payments or services rendered by the Bot, Users may submit a ticket for resolution within a period of two days from the date of the respective transaction.3.2. Following the expiration of this two-day period, all payments made are considered final and non-refundable.4. Security and Updates4.1. The Company prioritizes the security and integrity of user data and the Bot's functionality. Stringent security measures are implemented to safeguard user information from unauthorized access or breaches.4.2. Updates to the Bot may occasionally result in temporary downtime, during which the Bot will be inaccessible. Users will be notified in advance of any scheduled maintenance or updates.5. Account Termination5.1. The Company reserves the right to terminate or suspend user accounts and access to the Bot in the event of any violation of these Terms or Discord's terms of service. Such actions may be taken at the Company's discretion, based on the severity of the violation.6. User Support6.1. Users are encouraged to reach out for assistance or support through the creation of tickets within the dedicated channels provided in the Lueur Reels Discord server. The Company endeavors to address user inquiries and concerns promptly and efficiently.7. Limitation of Liability7.1. The Company assumes no liability for any damages, losses, or issues arising from the use of the Bot. Users acknowledge and accept that their use of the Bot is at their own risk.8. Feedback and Suggestions8.1. The Company values user feedback and suggestions for improving the Bot's functionality and user experience. Users may provide feedback through the dedicated /feedback command or specific channels designated for this purpose within the Discord server.9. Data Logging9.1. The Bot logs reels generated by Users, along with associated usernames and user IDs, for moderation purposes. This data is securely stored and manually reviewed to ensure compliance with community guidelines and terms of service.10. Changes to the Terms of Service10.1. The Company reserves the right to modify or amend these Terms of Service at any time, at its sole discretion. Any changes to the Terms will be communicated to Users through announcements in the Lueur Reels Discord server.

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for Lueur Reels Discord BotThis Privacy Policy governs the manner in which Lueur Reels ("the Bot") collects, uses, maintains, and discloses information collected from users ("Users") of the Lueur Reels Discord bot. This Privacy Policy applies to the Bot and all products and services offered by it.1. Information CollectionThe Bot may collect and log certain user information for the purpose of enhancing user experience and ensuring compliance with community guidelines. This information may include, but is not limited to:
- Video content generated by the /reel command
- Usernames
- User IDs
2. Data Storage and ProcessingUser data is securely stored within a private Discord server, owned and managed by the Bot's administrators. The server employs robust security measures, including two-factor authentication (2FA) on all owner accounts, to safeguard against unauthorized access.3. Data RetentionUser data is retained indefinitely within the server logs, facilitating the manual review process for identifying and addressing potential misuse or violations of terms of service.4. Security ProtocolsStringent security protocols are in place to mitigate the risk of unauthorized access or data breaches. These measures include restricted access permissions and encryption protocols to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of user data.5. User RightsUsers maintain the right to request the deletion or modification of their data stored within the Bot's server logs. Requests for data management or privacy-related inquiries can be submitted to the Bot's administrators for prompt resolution.6. Amendments to the Privacy PolicyThis Privacy Policy may be subject to periodic updates or revisions. Users will be notified of any material changes to the policy, and their continued use of the Bot following such modifications constitutes acceptance of the revised terms.7. Contact InformationFor inquiries regarding this Privacy Policy or any privacy-related concerns, users are encouraged to contact the administrators of Lueur Reels Discord bot via email or through direct communication channels provided within the Discord platform.